Designing sustainable food systems

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Modulkürzel: DSFS
ECTS-Credits: 2
Semester: 3

Our existing food system is currently unable to sustainably feed the world‘s population. Environmental pollution and soil degradation, as well as efficient distribution of food, avoidance of food waste and fair trade relations are among the most urgent challenges for humankind. The question is, how can food value chains be designed to help address these issues?

This module consists of two parts. The first is an eLearning course that helps develop an understanding of sustainability in the global food system, the role food value chains play and the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the second part, you will analyse an existing food value chain, locate sustainability hotspots and outline possible strategies to tackle these challenges.


  • Sustainability in the context of food systems
  • Basics of food value chain design
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Value chain mapping and analysis
  • Individual work


Dieses Modul wird in Englisch unterrichtet. Es wird im Herbst- und im Frühlingssemester angeboten. 

Das Modul umfasst mehrheitlich eLearning-Einheiten und wird durch 5 - 6 Präsenzveranstaltungen während des Semesters ergänzt.


Der Studienplaner ist für mobile Geräte nicht geeignet.
