English for environmental engineers 1

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Modulkürzel: EEE1
ECTS-Credits: 2
Semester: 3

The principal aim of this module is to prepare students to be effective users of English, with an emphasis on the academic skills. Students learn how to clearly describe processes in writing and write an academic report, which helps them to further develop their critical thinking skills. They also improve their receptive skills (i.e., listening and reading) through exposure to study related videos and texts, which also serves to expand their specialised vocabulary.


  • Writing process descriptions
  • Academic report writing
  • Reading & Listening
  • Vocabulary development


Dieses Modul wird in Englisch unterrichtet. Es ist ab dem 3. Semester in jedem Herbstsemester belegbar.


Der Studienplaner ist für mobile Geräte nicht geeignet.
